Milligan's oil drop experiment is an important course in university physics experiments. In theexperiment , students study the quantum nature of the microscopic world through macroscopic mechanies , whichcan cultivate students’ hands-on ability , independent learning ability ,ability to comprehensively apply existingknowledge,and ability to organize and coordinate. However, there are problems in teaching such as smalexperimental samples , long experimental procedures, and “ trial and error" selective screening results. lanalyzes the teaching results , discusses the defects in the teaching process, and proposes a plan to improveteaching equipment : using machine vision to improve the process of Millikan's oil drop experiment , real-timeimage processing and automated data collection ,so that students can be more focused on experimental theoryand result analysis , rather than cumbersome operating procedures,Such a system can also make experimentaresults easier to share and discuss, inereasing interactivity , thus improving students' learning motivation andabsorption. lt can not only improve the quality of teaching, but also stimulate students’interest and cultivatetheir scientific literacy and innovation ability,This is an important direction in the development of education altechnology and is worthy of exploration and implementation.