Investigation on the Efficiency of Droplet-Based Electricity Generation
JANG Mingwei,WANG Hui,WANG Jiakun,WANG Zanzan ,REN Liuna ,KOU Mengyao ,LI Yonghong*
A droplet-based power generation device was designed and fabricated, utilizing the principle ofcharge transfer induced by droplet impact on polytetrafluoroethylene( PTFE ) friction.The influenee of variousparameters on power generation was investigated. The results show that power generation is closely related to thedroplet's fall height , solution concentration , and temperature. When the droplet fall height is 30cm , the powergeneration reaches its peak , and the power generation efficieney is maximized. The higher the coneentration ofsodium chloride solution , the lower the power generation and elicieney.As the droplet temperature increasesboth power generation and elficieney show an increasing trend.It was also found that the size of the droplets andthe geometric dimensions of the impacted conductive glass affect power generation and efficiency.
Published: 25 August 2024