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大学物理实验, 2024, 37(4): 121-126
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华东理工大学 物理学院, 上海 200237
From Visual to Auditory:Using Guitar and Smartphone to ExpandExperimental Teaching of Standing Waves on Strings
ZHANG Yuxian,WANG Xiaoqian,LUO Duanbin*
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相比于传统的视觉上观测弦上驻波实验,文章讨论了使用吉他和智能手机从听觉角度验证了琴弦上驻波的一些特性。 利用手机音频分析 APP,可以直观定性地演示张力和线密度对弦上驻波基频的影响;同时,驻波基频与高次谐波之间的频率关系,以及驻波基频与弦长之间的关系也可以定量表征。 定量测量的结果与弦上驻波理论一致。 使用吉他和智能手机拓展驻波实验教学,为学生理解驻波的特性提供了听觉延伸,并为传统的实验教学增添了乐趣。

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关键词:  弦振动  驻波  吉他  智能手机  Phyphox APP     

Some properties of standing waves on strings were demonstrated using Guitar and smartphone. The influence of tension and line density on the fundamental frequency of standing waves on strings can bequalitatively demonstrated.Then the frequency relationship between the fundamental frequeney of the standingwave and higher-order harmonics , as well as the relationship between the fundamental frequency of the standingwave and the string length were quantitatively demonstrated. The results of the quantitative demonstration are ingood agreement with the theory of standing waves on strings. The use of Guitar and smartphone for the standing wave demonstrations provides students with an auditory extension to understand the properties of standingwaves ,and adds fun to traditional experimental teaching.

Key words:  string vibration    standing wave    guitar    smartphones    Phyphox APP
               出版日期:  2024-08-25      发布日期:  2024-08-25      整期出版日期:  2024-08-25
ZTFLH:  O 59  
张宇贤, 王骁乾, 罗锻斌 . 从视觉到听觉:利用吉他与智能手机拓展弦上驻波实验教学 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2024, 37(4): 121-126.
ZHANG Yuxian, WANG Xiaoqian, LUO Duanbin. From Visual to Auditory:Using Guitar and Smartphone to ExpandExperimental Teaching of Standing Waves on Strings . Physical Experiment of College, 2024, 37(4): 121-126.
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