杨振清 1 ,蔡苗菀 2 ,刘 亚 2 ,辛宇浩 1 ,杨 韧 2 ,王紫月 2 ,陈少华 1*
1.中国石油大学(北京)理学院,北京 102249;2.中国石油大学(北京)机械学院,北京 102249
Measurement of Transparent Liquid Concentration BasedOncascaded Long-Period Fiber Grating
YANG Zhenqing1 ,CAI Miaoyu2 ,LIU Ya2 ,XIN Yuhao1 ,YANG Ren2 ,WANG Ziyue2 ,CHEN Shaohua1*
利用级联长周期光纤光栅进行透明液体浓度测量。 将光栅充分浸没在液体槽中,通过向液体槽内注入不同浓度的溶液研究液体浓度对级联光纤光栅谐振波的影响。 结果表明谐振波偏移量与溶液浓度之间存在线性关系。 因此,通过谐振波偏移量,能够计算液体未知浓度。 从而实现了液体浓度的测量。 该实验操作简单,测量方便,适合在近代物理实验教学中推广应用。
The transparent liquid concentration is measured using the cascade long period fiber grating.Thegrating is fully immersed in the liquid tank ,and the effect of the liquid concentration on the resonance waves ofthe cascade fiber grating is investigated by injecting solutions of different concentrations into the liquid tank.Weshow a linear relationship between the resonant wave offset and the solution concentration.Therefore ,the liquidunknown concentration can be calculated by the resonant wave offset, Thus, the liquid concentration ismeasured.The experiment is easy to operate and convenient to measure ,which is suitable for popularization andapplication in modern university physics experiment teaching.
Key words:
cascade long-cycle fiber grating
transparent liquid concentration measurement
refracture index
出版日期: 2023-04-25
发布日期: 2023-04-25
整期出版日期: 2023-04-25
杨振清 , 蔡苗菀 , 刘 亚 , 辛宇浩 , 杨 韧 , 王紫月 , 陈少华 . 基于级联长周期光纤光栅的透明液体浓度测量
[J]. 大学物理实验, 2023, 36(2): 10-14.
YANG Zhenqing, CAI Miaoyu, LIU Ya, XIN Yuhao, YANG Ren, WANG Ziyue, CHEN Shaohua. Measurement of Transparent Liquid Concentration BasedOncascaded Long-Period Fiber Grating
. Physical Experiment of College, 2023, 36(2): 10-14.
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