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大学物理实验, 2023, 36(2): 15-20
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刘凯斐,孙大中,牛相宏 * ,张红光,陈 伟
南京邮电大学 理学院,江苏 南京 210023
Experimental Measurement and First-Principles Calculationof Electron Escape Work of Tungsten Metal
LIU Kaifei,SUN Dazhong,NIU Xianghong*,ZHANG Hongguang,CHEN Wei
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金属电子逸出功的测定,等效于对电子势能的测定,其对于了解微观原子结构,特别是修正相关原子结构理论和计算方法有较为重要的意义 [1] 。 逸出功实验过程巧妙结合金属钨晶胞各个能级之间的关系,灵活利用线性拟合特性简化数据关系,在近代物理实验的学习中有着指导性作用。 由于不同实验者所测的逸出功之间存在差异,可以合理猜测逸出功的值与实验所用金属钨的晶面有关。 因此基于第一性原理,也可直接对不同晶面的金属钨电子逸出功进行理论计算。 将实验操作和第一性原理计算所得的金属电子逸出功进行对比,直观地分析不同晶面对金属电子逸出功的影响,为物理实验的学习提供新的思路和方式。

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陈 伟
关键词:  金属电子逸出功  第一性原理  费米能级  真空能级     

The measurement of metal electron escape work is equivalent to determining electron potentiaenergy, which is of great significance for understanding the microscopic atomic structure , especially formodifying the relevant nuclear structure theory and calculation methods.The process of escape work experimentskillfully combines the relationship between various energy levels of metal tungsten crystal flexibly usesthe characteristics of linear fitting to simplify the data relationship, which plays a guiding role in the study ofmodern physics experiments. Because of the differences in the escape work measured by differentexperimenters,the escape work is likely related to the crystal plane of tungsten used in the experiment.Therefore ,based on the first principle , the electron escape work of tungsten with different crystal planes canalso be calculated directly.We will compare the metal electron escape work obtained by experimental operationand first-principles calculation, and intuitively analyze the influence of different crvstals on metal electronescape work to provide new ideas and ways to study physical experiments.

Key words:  metal electronic work function    first principle    Fermi level    vacuum energy level
               出版日期:  2023-04-25      发布日期:  2023-04-25      整期出版日期:  2023-04-25
ZTFLH:  O 43-9  
刘凯斐, 孙大中, 牛相宏 , 张红光, 陈 伟. 金属钨电子逸出功的实验测定与第一性原理计算 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2023, 36(2): 15-20.
LIU Kaifei, SUN Dazhong, NIU Xianghong, ZHANG Hongguang, CHEN Wei. Experimental Measurement and First-Principles Calculationof Electron Escape Work of Tungsten Metal . Physical Experiment of College, 2023, 36(2): 15-20.
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