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大学物理实验, 2022, 35(1): 133-137
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高 珊,王振国,王艳伟*
温州大学 数理学院,浙江 温州 325035
Study on the Connection Problem and Countermeasureof High School and University Physics Experiment
GAO Shan,WANG Zhenguo,WANG Yanwei*
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为了提高中学、大学学生物理核心素养,解决中学、大学物理教学衔接问题,本文采用调研和归纳的方法对中学与大学物理实验进行分析并探讨存在的衔接问题,从我国教育改革的新形势出发,以物理核心素养为指导,分别从中学、大学、教育管理部门三个层面围绕教学理念、教学内容、学生实验能力提出解决对策,如调整教育理念,将中学物理实验课程正规化、改革大学物理实验教学方式、建立物理实验技能培养衔接体系; 拓展实验内容,中学物理实验中融入项目化学习等现代教学模式、大学基于科研实验室面向基础物理实验开放、加强省中小学教师专业发展培训项目; 创造实验条件,中学加强基础实验室建设、大学开设预备实验、建立线上虚拟仿真实验室。可以通过多层面的物理实验改革提升学生的物理实验能力与科学素养,实验中学、大学物理实验的有效衔接。

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高 珊
关键词:  大学物理实验  中学物理实验衔接  物理核心素养     

In order to improve the physics core literacy of middle school and university students,and solve the problem of the connection between middle school and university physics teaching,the methods of investigation and induction are adopted to analyze the physics experiments between middle school and university and explore the existing connection problems.From the three levels of middle school,university and education management department,it puts forward countermeasures around teaching concept,teaching content and students ’ experimental ability,such as adjusting educational concept,regularizing physics experiment course in middle school,reforming the teaching method of physics experiment in university,and establishing the connecting

system of physical experiment skill cultivation. Expand the experiment content,the middle school physics experiment into the project learning and other modern teaching mode,university based on scientific research laboratory open to basic physics experiment,strengthen the provincial primary and secondary school teachers professional development training project; Create experimental conditions,strengthen the construction of basic laboratories in middle schools,open preparatory experiments in universities,establish online virtual simulation laboratories.We can improve the students’physical experiment ability and scientific literacy through the reform of multi-layer physical experiment,and effectively connect the physical experiment of experimental middle school and university.

Key words:  university physics experiment    middle school physics experiment connection    physics core literacy
               出版日期:  2022-02-25      发布日期:  2022-02-25      整期出版日期:  2022-02-25
ZTFLH:  G64  
高 珊, 王振国, 王艳伟. 中学与大学物理实验的衔接问题与对策研究 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2022, 35(1): 133-137.
GAO Shan, WANG Zhenguo, WANG Yanwei. Study on the Connection Problem and Countermeasureof High School and University Physics Experiment . Physical Experiment of College, 2022, 35(1): 133-137.
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