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大学物理实验, 2019, 32(6): 80-83
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吉林化工学院 理学院,吉林 吉林132022
Exploring the Synthesis and Properties of Nano-structured B4C
SONG Lele,XIE Yupeng*
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B4C是继金刚石和立方氮化硼之后自然界中第三硬的超硬材料。然而人们在硬度方面对它的应用却很少。这主要是因为B4C的自扩散系数很低,很难合成出块体材料的B4C其次,B4C断裂韧性很低,达不到工业应用的标准,在工业应用中容易出现碎裂。本篇文章利用高温高压法合成了块体材料的B4C并且合成的材料具有非常高的致密性。通过硬度测试发现其硬度高于材料的单晶硬度值。利用压痕法测量了样品的断裂韧性,其断裂韧性为4.51 MPa?m1/2,这一数值基本接近了工业应用的标准。通过扫面电镜测试发现其具有纳米层状结构。通过原理分析可知,纳米片层结构是导致B4C有高硬度和高断裂韧性的原因。

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关键词:  B4C  超硬材料  纳米层状结构  断裂韧性     

Boron carbide (B4C) is the third hardest materials in the nature following the diamond and cubic boron nitride. However, due to bulk B4C is hard to be synthesized and the fracture toughness of B4C is very low, B4C can not be widely used as superhard material. In this work, High-quality bulk B4C was successfully prepared at high pressure and high temperature. It is worth nothing that the as-synthesized B4C possess high hardness and high fracture toughness (4.51 MPa?m1/2)which are superior to single crystal. The high Vickers hardness and high fracture toughness of B4C are attributeed to its high densification and nanosheet structure.

Key words:  Boron carbide    Superhard Material    nanosheet structure    Fracture toughness
               出版日期:  2019-12-25      发布日期:  2019-12-25      整期出版日期:  2019-12-25
ZTFLH:  O469  
宋乐乐, 解玉鹏. 纳米结构B4C的合成及其性质的研究 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2019, 32(6): 80-83.
SONG Lele, XIE Yupeng. Exploring the Synthesis and Properties of Nano-structured B4C . Physical Experiment of College, 2019, 32(6): 80-83.
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