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大学物理实验, 2024, 37(4): 80-85
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基于 Tracker 软件分析附加质量对磁机械振荡器振动特性的影响
普建嘉,王翠梅 ,韦 相
红河学院 工学院,云南 蒙自 661199
The Influence of Additional Mass on the Vibration Characteristics ofMagneto-Mechanical Oscillator is Analyzed Based on Tracker Software
PU Jianjia,WANG Cuimei*,WEl Xian
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悬臂梁由于结构简单而广泛应用在各类工程结构中,端部带附加质量的弹簧片悬臂梁在永磁体相互激励下的振动模型,称为磁机械振荡器。 本文利用 Tracker 软件,且根据欧拉?伯努利梁的振动理论分析弹簧片悬臂梁端部附加质量对振动特性的影响,包括对振动位移和振动频率相对于附加质量影响的研究。 实验及分析结果表明,随着附加质量的增大弹簧片的振动幅度变大,而振动频率降低。本论文的研究有利于为传感器或能量资源采集提供新思想,为器件应用提供更加的优化设计。

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韦 相
关键词:  磁机械振荡器  振动特性  附加质量  Tracker 软件     

Cantilever beam is widely used in all kinds of engineering structures because of its simple structure.'The vibration model of cantilever beam with additional mass at the end under mutual excitation of permanentmagnet is called magneto-mechanical oscillator, Tracker software is used to analyze the influenee of theadditional mass at the end of the cantilever beam on the vibration characteristics according to the Euler-Bemoulli vibration theory , including the influence of vibration displacement and vibration frequency on the additional mass. The experimental and analytical results show that the vibration amplitude of the beam increasesand the vibration frequency decreases with the inerease of the additional mass. The research is conducive toprovide new ideas for sensor or energy resource acquisition, and provide more optimal design for deviceapplications.

Key words:  magneto-mechanieal oseillator    vibration characteristies    additional mass    tracker software
               出版日期:  2024-08-25      发布日期:  2024-08-25      整期出版日期:  2024-08-25
ZTFLH:  O 4-33  
普建嘉, 王翠梅 , 韦 相. 基于 Tracker 软件分析附加质量对磁机械振荡器振动特性的影响 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2024, 37(4): 80-85.
PU Jianjia, WANG Cuimei, WEl Xian. The Influence of Additional Mass on the Vibration Characteristics ofMagneto-Mechanical Oscillator is Analyzed Based on Tracker Software . Physical Experiment of College, 2024, 37(4): 80-85.
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