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大学物理实验, 2024, 37(4): 58-62
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李宏韬 1∗ ,刘雨轩 ,王伟胜 ,戴娇研 ,吕 亮 ,孙火姣 2
1.安徽大学 物理与光电工程学院,安徽 合肥 230601;2.皖西学院 电气与光电工程学院,安徽 六安 237012
Experimental Teaching Research on Temperature-CompensatedHigh-Sensitivity Optical Fiber Gratings SensorBased on Femtosecond Laser Micromachining
LI Hongtao1* ,LlU Yuxuan1,WANG Weisheng1,DAl Jiaoyan1,LU Liang1,SUN Huojiao2
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在传统的大学物理实验教学中,长周期光纤光栅的折射率灵敏度较低且温度灵敏度通常为正值,与布拉格光纤光栅相结合不能很好地实现温度串扰的消除。 因此,我们利用飞秒激光直写技术制备出一种微纳光纤布拉格光栅(mFBG)与微纳小长周期光纤光(SP?mFLPG)级联的温度补偿高灵敏度光纤光栅传感器。 这种传感器体积小巧、稳定性高,折射率灵敏度高达 759.02 nm/ RIU,同时具备温度补偿特性等优势。 对于本次传感器的制备实验教学,有助于本科基础教学授课,为创新性教学实验带来更多可能性,学生将参与微纳光纤器件的制作与测试实验,这将有助于他们提升动手能力、专注力以及科研素养。 更重要的是,学生们能够涉足创新性的光纤结构设计领域,从而激发其对新型光纤器件和传感应用的兴趣,为其未来学习和深造奠定坚实的基础。

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吕 亮
关键词:  微纳小长周期光纤光栅  微纳布拉格光纤光栅  飞秒激光直写技术  温度补偿     

In conventional experimental teaching college physics , reported long-period fiber gratings ( LPFGs )had low refractive index sensitivity and normally possessed positive temperature sensitivity, and they couldn’ elfectively eliminate temperature crosstalk by combining them with fiber Bragg gratings( FBGs) .Herein , throughfemtosecond laser direct writing technology, we have fabricated a temperature-compensated high-sensitivityoptical fiber gratings sensor by cascading microfiber Bragg gratings( mFBG) with small-period microfiber longperiod gratings ( SP-mFLPG ). This sensor has merits of compact size, highly stable, high relractive index sensitivity of 759. 02 nm/RIU, and characteristic of temperature compensation. For such an experimentalteaching of sensor fabrication , it can contribute to undergraduate fundamental teaching, that offering morepossibilities for innovative teaching experiments. Students could take participate in experimental fabrication andmeasurement of micro/nano optical fiber devices, which could help them to enhance hands-on abilityconcentration ,and research literacy. More importantly , students can engage in innovative fiber-optic structuraldesign, and their interest of novel fiber devices and sensor applications can be sparked. lt can lay a solid foundation for their further studies and education.

Key words:  small-period microfiber long-period gratings    microfiber Bragg gratings    femtosecond laser directwriting technology    temperature compensation
               出版日期:  2024-08-25      发布日期:  2024-08-25      整期出版日期:  2024-08-25
ZTFLH:  O 436  
李宏韬 , 刘雨轩 , 王伟胜 , 戴娇研 , 吕 亮 , 孙火姣 . 基于飞秒激光微加工的温度补偿型高灵敏度光纤光栅传感器的实验教学研究 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2024, 37(4): 58-62.
LI Hongtao , LlU Yuxuan, WANG Weisheng, DAl Jiaoyan, LU Liang, SUN Huojiao. Experimental Teaching Research on Temperature-CompensatedHigh-Sensitivity Optical Fiber Gratings SensorBased on Femtosecond Laser Micromachining . Physical Experiment of College, 2024, 37(4): 58-62.
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