The magnetic domain is the fundamental structure in magnetic materials, which dictates theimagnetic properties. By conducting in-depth investigations into magnetic domains, we can enhanee ourunderstanding of the characteristics of magnetic materials , optimize their performanee, and further advancerelated applications,The Lorentz transmission Electron Microseope( LTEM),as a device based on transmissionelectron microscopy ,enables the observation and analysis of the magnetic domain structures of these materialslts operational principle relies on utilizing the Lorentz force to deflect the electron beam , resulting in patternswith alternating brightness that reflect diferent orientations of magnetic moments within the plane. With itsultrahigh detection sensitivity and nanometer-level resolution , LTEM finds extensive application in studyingmagnetic materials, Introducing L'TEM into undergraduate teaching holds significant importanee as it allowsstudents to gain practical skills and research methods through hands-on experience.Simultaneously ,it cultivatesscientific research literacy and capabilities among students while laying a solid foundation for their future scientific endeavors. Therefore, applying LTEM in undergraduate teaching is not only feasible but also