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大学物理实验, 2024, 37(3): 115-118
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王红岩 ,王永超,张 淼,姜海英
北华大学 理学院,吉林 吉林 132013
Exploration of Integrating “ Craftsman Spirit” into Innovation andEntrepreneurship Quality Education for Normal University Students
WANG Hongyan*,WANG Yongchao,ZHANG Miao, JANG Haiying
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通过分析“工匠精神”融入师范生创新创业素质教育(简称“匠创融合”式教育)的意义及现状,探索出四条有效融合路径,即拓宽“匠创融合”式教育的平台载体,夯实“匠创融合”式教育的师资队伍,强化“匠创融合”式教育的价值引领,营造“匠创融合”式教育的良好氛围。 研究表明,只有在创新创业实践中弘扬、传承、践行 “工匠精神”,才能有效培养创新创业能力,提升教师育人素质,提高师范生职业素养,增强创新创业育人实效。

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张 淼
关键词:  工匠精神  师范生  创新创业素质教育     

By analyzing the signiicanee and current situation of integrating the " eraftsmanship spirit” into theinnovation and entrepreneurship quality education of normal university students ( referred to as " the integrationof craftsman ’s spirit and innovation education " ), four elfeetive integration paths are explored, namelyexpanding the platform carriers of“the integration of craftsman’s spirit and innovation edueationconsolidating the teaching staff of“the integration of cratsman’s spirit and innovation educationstrengthening the value guidance of “ the integration of craftsman’s spirit and innovation education" , andcreating a good atmosphere of “ the integration of craftsman'’s spirit and innovation education".Research hasshown that only by promoting, inheriting, and practicing the spirit of craftsmanship in innovation andentrepreneurship practice can we elfectively cultivate innovation and entrepreneurship abilities , improvethequality of teacher education, raise the professional literacy of normal university students , and enhance theeffectiveness of innovation and entrepreneurship education.

Key words:  craftsmanship spirit    normal university students    innovation and entrepreneurship quality education
               出版日期:  2024-06-25      发布日期:  2024-06-25      整期出版日期:  2024-06-25
ZTFLH:  G 642  
王红岩 , 王永超, 张 淼, 姜海英. “工匠精神”融入师范生创新创业素质教育的探索 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2024, 37(3): 115-118.
WANG Hongyan, WANG Yongchao, ZHANG Miao, JANG Haiying. Exploration of Integrating “ Craftsman Spirit” into Innovation andEntrepreneurship Quality Education for Normal University Students . Physical Experiment of College, 2024, 37(3): 115-118.
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