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大学物理实验, 2024, 37(2): 17-20
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赵 卉,杨振清,吕志清
中国石油大学(北京)理学院,北京 102249
Fault Diagnosis in the Crystal Electro-Optie Modulation Experiment
ZHA0 Hui,YANG Zhenqing,LÃ Zhiqing
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为了加深操作者对实验的理解,并通过实验学会对偏振光和非线性光学等知识的应用,从实验的原理入手,揭示了晶体电光调制实验中经常出现的“故障”原因,并提出解决方案。 第一,实验中输出信号出现的绝大部分问题,都可以归结为光路没有达到最佳状态。 此时可以通过观察干涉圆环图样进行初步判断,再用“两平行一正交”的法则对光路进行调节。 第二,输出电压增量 ΔV 与入射光强I0成正比例变化,和调制信号幅度成反比例变化。 据此可以有效地将输出电压的增量控制在合理范围内,保证实验的成效。 第三,当起偏器和检偏器平行时,增加偏压后输出电压不增反降。

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赵 卉
关键词:  晶体电光调制  锥光干涉圆环  偏振     

Several faults in the crystal electro-optic modulation experiment are analyzed and solved to deepenthe understanding and application of polarized light and nonlinear optics.Firstly,the problems of output signalcan be mostly attributed to the light path which is not turned to optimization.A preliminary judgment should bemade by observing the interferenee pattern, and then the light path can be adjusted by the rule of “two paralleland one orthogonal".Secondly ,the output voltage inerement AV is proportionate to the intensity of the ineidenlight / ,but inversely proportional to the modulation signal amplitude.Accordingly,the increment of the outputvoltage can be elfectively controlled within a reasonable range."Thirdly, when the polarizer and deteetor areparallel, the output voltage will not increase with the increasing bias voltage but decrease.

Key words:  crystal electro-optical modulation    conoscopic interference ring    polarization
                    发布日期:  2024-04-25     
ZTFLH:  O 4-33  
赵 卉, 杨振清, 吕志清. 晶体电光调制实验中常见“故障”诊断 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2024, 37(2): 17-20.
ZHA Hui, YANG Zhenqing, LÃ Zhiqing. Fault Diagnosis in the Crystal Electro-Optie Modulation Experiment . Physical Experiment of College, 2024, 37(2): 17-20.
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