Development of Virtual Simulation College Physics Experiments with Numerical Simulations :
LI Jing 1, JANG Chenghuan 1, wU Qingehun 1,TANG Chunhong 1,CUl Yunkang 1,LI Liben 2
With the advancement of computational power and technological improvements , interactive virtual simulation experiments based on physical principles have become feasible for university physics education. This paper takes the magnetron condition experiment as an example. By solving the equations of motion of the rmalelectrons under the influence of a radial eleetric field and an axial magnetic field, and integrating computer programming techniques , real-time calculation of electron trajectories is achieved. Experimental data collection and Boltzmann fiting functions are utilized to implement numerical simulations of the magnetron conditions .The simulation experiment incorporates differential computation funetion ality, adding a verification experiment where the initial velocities of thermal electrons follow a Maxwell velocity distribution into the teaching content. The virtual simulation experiment developed based on the technologies not only meets the existing experimental objectives but also visually displays electron trajectories, thereby expanding the depth and scope of the magnetron condition experment.
Published: 25 December 2024