Simulation Practice of Active Filter Circuit Based on Multisim
WANG Qiang,ZHANG Yiting, HE Qiang,FANG Kaihong,ZHANG Shuo,CHEN Liang
Fundamentals of Electronics is an engineering, practice course , in which active filter circuit has a wide range of applications in the field of signal processing.In this paper , the Multisim simulation software is applied to the teaching of Fundamentals of Electronics ,and the active filter circuit is simulated and compared with the theoretical caleulation. Praeliec shows that the application of Multisim in circuit simulation canintuitively observe the transient process and frequency character isties of the circuit , and analyze the influeneeof circuit structure and device parameter changes on frequency characteristics, lt is intuitive , convenient, ellieient and time-saving, effectively overcoming the limitations of hardware experiments, Simulation and emulation can help students for better understanding of classroom teaching content , stimulate their interest in learning, enhance their ability to analyze and design electronic circuits, and improve the effectiveness ofelassroom teaching.
Published: 25 December 2024