Measurements of Young's Modulus Based on Position-Sensitive Devices
YUE Yifan1,HU Yahua1*,Ll Juncheng1,MENG Jinzhou1,MA Yubin1,ZHANG Min2,GUl Zhao2
In the Young's modulus experiment by classical tensile method,a position sensitive device is used toconvert the tiny elongation of the metal wire to the change of voltage signal.The voltage signal is amplifed bythe amplifier circuit ,and sent to the computer for real-time data acquisition with the data acquisition card , thenthe digital measurement of Young's modulus is realized.The new devices and technologies of modem seientiieand technological measurement are used,and the hardware and software in traditional physics experiments areintegratedl, and representative least square linear fitting and suecessive difference method for experimental dataprocessing are designed in this experiment,The measurement results are reliable and the experiment can beused as a typical comprehensive physics experiment for teaching promotion.
Published: 25 April 2024
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