Measurement of Solution Refractive Index Using the Michelson Interference Method Based on Capstone Software
LING Fengzi* ,XU Lei , HOU Chao
Measuring the solution refractive index is crucial for understanding the optical and chemical properties of materials , with wide applications in both scientific research and industrial fields. This study proposes a novel refractive index measurement device based on Capstone software and the Michelson interference method. By introducing a finely adjustable oplical stage into the light path ,the angle of the cuvelte can be precisely manipulated , allowing for the refractive index calculations based on changes in the interference fringe counts, Additionally, replacing the traditional visual observation with a high-precision optical sensor ensures the reliability of the measurement results. The combination of the 550 data acquisition device and Capstone software fiurther improves the real-time data collection and processing capabilities , significant enhancing the accuracy and eficiency of measurements, Measurements of pure water and various concentrationsof sodium chloride , sodium carbonate , and sodium bicarbonate solutions demonstrate that the device has stable performance and high prceision, with relative errors not exeeeding 0.5%6.This research not only provides newin sights for reforming Michelson interference experiments but also advances the use of modern technology inphysics education ,providing students with a more intuitive and eficient learning experience.
Published: 25 December 2024
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Measurement of Refractive Index of Solution with Temperature-Change Based on Improved Michelson Interferometer
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