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大学物理实验, 2024, 37(2): 60-64
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邢明铭,付 姚,张映辉 ∗ ,田 莹,殷 燕,汪 红
大连海事大学 理学院,辽宁 大连 116026
Research Experiment on Synthesis and Characterizationof Upconversion Luinescent Nanomaterials
XING Mingming,FU Yao ,ZHANG Yinghui*,TIAN Ying,YIN Yan,WANG Hong
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将科研成果融入实验教学,面向本科生开设了“纳米上转换发光材料的合成与表征”研究性创新实验。 实验采用均匀沉淀法合成 Y2O3 :Yb3+,Ho3+纳米上转换发光材料,利用 X 射线衍射、透射电子显微镜和上转换发射光谱对材料的结构、形貌和发光性能进行表征,并分析材料粒子尺寸对发光颜色的影响。 实验中包含纳米材料制备、上转换发光性能研究等科研热点内容,涉及物理、化学、材料等多学科知识的交叉融合。 通过实验的学习和操作,有助于激发学生对发光材料和纳米材料的研究兴趣,加深学生对材料合成方法和发光过程的认知,既拓展了学生的眼界和思维,又强化了学生的综合实验技能。

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付 姚
张映辉 ?
田 莹
殷 燕
汪 红
关键词:  均匀沉淀法  纳米材料  上转换发光  科研成果转化  研究性实验     

Seientifie research achievements are integrated into the teaching of experiment, and a researchexperiment “ synthesis and characterization of upeonversion luminescent nanomaterials” is developed for theundergraduate students. Y,O, : Ybs* , Hos* upconversion luminescent nanomaterials are prepared using ahomogeneous precipitation method. The strueture , morphology , and luminescent properties of the materials arecharacterized by X-ray diflraction , transmission electron microscopy , and upeonversion emission spectroscopy.The influenee of particle size on the luminescent color is analyzed.The experiment includes research hotspotssuch as the preparation of nanomaterials and the study of upeonversion luminescence properties , involving theinter disciplinary fusion of the knowledge in physics, chemistry and materials.This experiment helps to stimulatestudents’ interest in the research of lumineseent materials and nanomaterials, deepen their understanding inmaterial synthesis methods and luminescent processes, not only expand their horizons and thinking, but alsostrengthen their comprehensive experimental skills.

Key words:  homogeneous preeipitation method    nanomaterials    upeonversion lumineseenee    transformation ofscientific research achievements    research experiment
                    发布日期:  2024-04-25     
ZTFLH:  G 642.423  
邢明铭, 付 姚, 张映辉 ∗ , 田 莹, 殷 燕, 汪 红. 纳米上转换发光材料的合成与表征研究性实验 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2024, 37(2): 60-64.
XING Mingming, FU Yao , ZHANG Yinghui, TIAN Ying, YIN Yan, WANG Hong. Research Experiment on Synthesis and Characterizationof Upconversion Luinescent Nanomaterials . Physical Experiment of College, 2024, 37(2): 60-64.
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