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大学物理实验, 2024, 37(2): 26-31
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基于平板模型测量 Ecoflex 材料膜的电导率
林子曦,林朗宇,洪海河,梁珈铭,高鸣杰,朱泽颖,江智杰,梁国锐,罗元政 *
广东海洋大学 电子与信息工程学院,广东 湛江 524088
Measurement of Electrical Conductivity of EcoflexMaterial Membrane Based on Flat Plate Model
LIN Zixi,LIN Langyu,HONG Haihe,LlANG Jiaming,GAO Mingjie ,ZHU Zeying,JlANG Zhijie,LlANG Guorui,LUO Yuanzheng*
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功能高分子材料通常都制成薄膜,薄膜状的功能高分子材料的导电性测量需要采用直流三电极、惠斯通电桥法和直流四探针法,但这些方法都对样品的尺寸和厚度有一定要求。 不同厚度下直流电流的流向和分布不可控会严重影响测试精度,而且使用四探针法测量薄膜材料比较繁琐,需要先制备方形膜并将其平整地固定在水平玻璃板上。 对此,通过上述方法了解,提出一种原创的测量装置,通过接触分离式 TENG 搭建了一套测量功能 Ecoflex  薄膜材料的导电性测量装置。 并使用静电检测仪进行数据提取,平均相对误差为 9.272%,填补了 Ecoflex  材料导电性测量的空缺。 该 Ecoflex  薄膜材料的导电性测量装置的创新型在于接触分离式 TENG 测量功能 Ecoflex 薄膜导电性的优点在于基于位移电流的交流测试对样品的几何尺寸无严格要求,而且无需特定形状,操作方便,可原位检测。 除此之外,提供了一种足底能量收集方案,可以用于机械能对电能的转化。

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关键词:  摩擦纳米发电机  Ecoflex 材料膜  平板     

Funetional polymer materials are usually made of thin films, and the conduetivity measurement ofthin-film funetional polymer materials requires DC, three-electrode , Wheatstone bridge and DC four-probemethods, but these methods have certain requirements on the size and thickness of the sample.The fowdirection and distribution of DC current under different thicknesses are not controllable , which will seriouslyaffeet the test aecuraey. Moreover , the four-probe method is eomplicated to measure thin film materials,and it isnecessary to prepare square film first and fix it flat on the horizontal glass plate.Based on the above methods .anoriginal measuring device is proposed , and a set of measuring device for measuring the electrical conduetivity olfunetional Eeollex thin film materials is construeted by using the contaet separation 'TENG.The average relativeerror is 9.27296 , which fills the gap in the measurement of electrical conductivity of Ecollex materials, The innovation of the Ecollex film material conductivity measurement device lies in the contact separation TENGmeasurement funetion 'The advantages of Eeollex film conductivity are that the displacement current based AClest has no strict requirements on the geometry of the sample, and no specific shape is required, easy tooperate ,and can be in-situ detection.In addition, we provide a plantar energy harvesting scheme that can beused for the conversion of mechanical energy to electrical energy.

Key words:  fiction nanogenerator    Fcoflex material membrane    slab
                    发布日期:  2024-04-25     
ZTFLH:  O 4-33  
林子曦, 林朗宇, 洪海河, 梁珈铭, 高鸣杰, 朱泽颖, 江智杰, 梁国锐, 罗元政 . 基于平板模型测量 Ecoflex 材料膜的电导率 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2024, 37(2): 26-31.
LIN Zixi, LIN Langyu, HONG Haihe, LlANG Jiaming, GAO Mingjie , ZHU Zeying, JlANG Zhijie, LlANG Guorui, LUO Yuanzheng. Measurement of Electrical Conductivity of EcoflexMaterial Membrane Based on Flat Plate Model . Physical Experiment of College, 2024, 37(2): 26-31.
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