Funetional polymer materials are usually made of thin films, and the conduetivity measurement ofthin-film funetional polymer materials requires DC, three-electrode , Wheatstone bridge and DC four-probemethods, but these methods have certain requirements on the size and thickness of the sample.The fowdirection and distribution of DC current under different thicknesses are not controllable , which will seriouslyaffeet the test aecuraey. Moreover , the four-probe method is eomplicated to measure thin film materials,and it isnecessary to prepare square film first and fix it flat on the horizontal glass plate.Based on the above methods .anoriginal measuring device is proposed , and a set of measuring device for measuring the electrical conduetivity olfunetional Eeollex thin film materials is construeted by using the contaet separation 'TENG.The average relativeerror is 9.27296 , which fills the gap in the measurement of electrical conductivity of Ecollex materials, The innovation of the Ecollex film material conductivity measurement device lies in the contact separation TENGmeasurement funetion 'The advantages of Eeollex film conductivity are that the displacement current based AClest has no strict requirements on the geometry of the sample, and no specific shape is required, easy tooperate ,and can be in-situ detection.In addition, we provide a plantar energy harvesting scheme that can beused for the conversion of mechanical energy to electrical energy.