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大学物理实验, 2023, 36(5): 44-48
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张 鑫
天津职业技术师范大学 理学院,天津 300222
Simulated Study on Demonstration of Poisson Bright Spot
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泊松亮斑是由于光衍射而产生的经典光学现象,在“大学物理”课程中经常被用来说明光的波动性,并作为典型的演示实验在课堂中展现。对圆屏衍射图样进行了数值计算,系统分析了光源波长I、圆屏半径R、圆屏和接收屏间距Z,以及圆屏粗糙度对泊松亮斑的影响。结果显示,圆屏对接收屏中心遮蔽的半波带数K是影响泊松亮斑的重要参数。在保证亮斑光强和对比度的前提下,K 越小,越有利于演示。

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张 鑫
关键词:  泊松亮斑  菲涅耳-基尔霍夫衍射积分  菲涅耳半波带  演示实验     

Poisson bright spot is a classic optical phenomenon caused by light diffraction,which is used as a typical demonstration experiment in the college physics for proving the wave character of light.The diffractions of circular screen are numerical calculated. And the influences of several parameters are systematically analyzed,including wavelength l,radius of circular screen R,distance between circular screen and receiving screen z,and roughness of the edge of circular screen.The results show that the number of Fresnel half-wave zones k is an important parameter.For the values of k that supporting high levels of Poisson bright spot intensity and contrast,the smaller k is supposed to benefit the demonstration.

Key words:  Poisson bright spot    Fresnel-Kirchhoff diffraction integral    Fresnel half-wave zone    demonstration experiment
                    发布日期:  2023-10-25     
ZTFLH:  O 436.1  
张 鑫. 泊松亮斑演示实验的数值研究 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2023, 36(5): 44-48.
ZHANG Xin. Simulated Study on Demonstration of Poisson Bright Spot . Physical Experiment of College, 2023, 36(5): 44-48.
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