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大学物理实验, 2023, 36(4): 51-56
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马 跃 1 ,林蔚然 2 ,王陈鹏 1,姚越 1 ,刘颖隆 1,叶豪 1 ,刘佳伟 1 ,赵小波 1,陶涛 1 ,姚英邦 1 ,鲁圣国 1 ,乔军军 3,梁波 1*
1.广东工业大学 材料与能源学院,广东 广州 510006;2.清华大学 基础工业训练中心,北京 100084;3.广州市海盾工程装备有限公司,广东 广州 510006
Demonstration of a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Stacks with Two Microtubular Cells Connected in Series and in Parallel
MA Yue 1 ,LIN Weiran 2 ,WANG Chenpeng 1 ,YAO Yue 1 ,LIU Yinglong 1 ,YE Hao 1 ,LIU Jiawei 1 ,ZHAO Xiaobo 1 ,TAO Tao 1 ,YAO Yingbang 1 ,LU Shengguo 1 ,QIAO Junjun 3 ,LIANG Bo 1*
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用银线和银浆作为连接体将两根微管式固体氧化物燃料电池(μT-SOFC)串/并联制备成双管电堆。银因其优异的导电性和商业应用性,非常适合作为燃料电池电堆的连接体。在 μT-SOFC 两个阳极的方形取电口上涂覆银浆,与另一根电池的阴极或阳极连接,实现双电池的串联或并联。当运行温度为650 ℃时,串联的双管电堆的开路电压(OCV)接近2 V 并且最大的输出功率(MP)达到了8.57 W;另外,并联电堆的 OCV 达到 1.03 V,MP 达到 7.06 W。串/并联的双管电堆的输出功率能够驱动灯泡、风扇和外接的其他负载。电堆经过 5 h 的长期运行后依然保持着良好的稳定性,完全支持两个课时的教学演示实验。为锻炼学生的动手实验能力和加强 SOFC 原理的理解,教学实验将要求学生在完成电堆搭建的同时,设计制造一些小型电子负载,来演示 SOFC 的电化学性能。

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马 跃
姚 越
叶 豪
陶 涛
梁 波
关键词:  微管式固体氧化物燃料电池电堆  银连接体  教学仪器  教学演示实验     

Two microtubular solid oxide fuel cells(μ-TSOFC)stacks are assembled using silver wires/paste in series and parallel connections.A silver based current collector mounted on an anodic rectangle window has been developed for obtaining very low Ohmic contact and is commercially available.The solid oxide fuel cell stack(SOFC)with anode support is sintered at 1 400 ℃ with an outer diameter anode tube of 5.8 mm and a 10 μm thick electrolyte.When operating at 650 ℃,the stack electrically connected in series shows an open circuit voltage(OCV)of approximately 2 V and a maximum output power(MP)of approximately 8.57 W,

whereas the stack electrically connected in parallel shows an OCV of 1.03 V,and the value of MP reaches 7.06 W,which can power the light,fan,and binding post,among other appliances.Additionally,both stacks are operated for 5 h to determine their long-term stability,and the results shows that series/parallel-connected stacks have excellent durability for an experiment. This laboratory experiment is developed to enhance students’operational ability and show them the real application of electrochemistry.

Key words:  microtubular solid oxide fuel cells stacks    silver connection material    electrochemical appliance    demonstration of educational experiment
                    发布日期:  2023-08-25     
ZTFLH:  G 642.1  
马 跃 , 林蔚然 , 王陈鹏 , 姚 越, 刘颖隆 , 叶 豪 , 刘佳伟, 赵小波, 陶 涛 , 姚英邦 , 鲁圣国 , 乔军军 , 梁 波. 微管式固体氧化物燃料电池两管串/并联电堆教学演示仪 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2023, 36(4): 51-56.
MA Yue , LIN Weiran , WANG Chenpeng , YAO Yue , LIU Yinglong , YE Hao , LIU Jiawei , ZHAO Xiaobo , TAO Tao , YAO Yingbang , LU Shengguo, QIAO Junjun, LIANG Bo . Demonstration of a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Stacks with Two Microtubular Cells Connected in Series and in Parallel . Physical Experiment of College, 2023, 36(4): 51-56.
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