ln order to solve the safety problem for undergraduate students operating modern physicsexperiments in the epidemic environment, a virtual nuclear experiment combining the remote operating systemUltralab was designed. Students can complete virtual nuclear experiments remotely in the classroom or dormitoryor anywhere after booking the experiment time through the management function of Ultralab.By setting twodifferent virtual radioactive sources2 Am and2pu, the linear relationship between the energy peak value of thealpha particle and the track address is determined.n that way the thickness of the film could be determined bythe energy loss of alpha particle passing through the film.Ultralab remote virtual nuclear experiment enhancesthe flexibility of experimental teaching.Teachers and students can carry out experiments freely without beingrestricted by the epidemic situation and site.lt can also enhance students' autonomy and innovation.Throughfexible reconstruction of various parameters of virtual nuclear experiments ,multiple virtual nuclear experimentsand related experiments such as gamma particle and beta particle measurement can be realized.The purpose ofbeing familiar with and master the laws of radioactive particle interacting with matter is achieved.