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大学物理实验, 2022, 35(6): 35-37
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穆雪梅, 王学水, 苗永平, 李芳芳, 张珈铭
山东科技大学 电子信息工程学院,山东 青岛 266590
The Simplification and Improvement of Adjustment Steps of Spectrometer
MU Xuemei, WANG Xueshui, MIAO Yongping, LI Fangfang, ZHANG Jiaming
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在分光计的调节与使用 (利用自准直法测量三棱镜顶角)的实验中,分光计的调节是实验难点,很多学生耗费大量时间和精力却很难在望远镜的目镜中找到反射像,也就无法进行下一步的调节。这主要是由于原来分光计的调节过程冗长,步骤间关联性强,对操作要求高所导致的。本论文针对这种情况,改进分光计的调节步骤,将调节望远镜聚焦在无穷远处和调节载物台与望远镜光轴方向的步骤分开,并且在粗调载物台与望远镜光轴的过程中创新性的只采用圆形水平仪,省略用双平面反射镜的过程,大大减少调节步骤,使得整个调节过程更加简洁,可操作性更强。

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关键词:  分光计  过程简洁  分立步骤  圆形水平仪     

Many students spend a lot of time and energy looking for the reflected image in telescope but failed in the experiment of the adjustment and use (the measurement of the prism apex angle by autocollimation method)of spectrometer,because of the high difficult of adjustment of spectrometer.These difficulties can be ascribed to the original complicated steps and high requirement of handler.We improve the adjustment steps of the spectrometer,separate the steps of the adjustment telescope focusing at infinity and the direction of the optical axis of the telescope.We only use the circular horizontal instrument in the process of adjusting the optical axis of the telescope,omit the process of using a double-plane reflector,greatly reduce the adjustment steps,which make the whole adjustment process more simple and more operable.

Key words:  spectrometer    simple adjustment steps    separated steps    sircular level
               出版日期:  2022-12-25      发布日期:  2022-12-25      整期出版日期:  2022-12-25
ZTFLH:  O 4-33  
穆雪梅, 王学水, 苗永平, 李芳芳, 张珈铭. 分光计调节步骤的简化与改进 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2022, 35(6): 35-37.
MU Xuemei, WANG Xueshui, MIAO Yongping, LI Fangfang, ZHANG Jiaming. The Simplification and Improvement of Adjustment Steps of Spectrometer. Physical Experiment of College, 2022, 35(6): 35-37.
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