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大学物理实验, 2023, 36(3): 7-14
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陈冰雪 ,欧阳超丽 ,赵梦浩,李泓钢,杨亚威,洪 葳 ,胡 明,屈少波,白彦峥
华中科技大学 物理学院,精密重力测量国家重大科技基础设施,基本物理量测量教育部重点实验室,引力与量子物理湖北省重点实验室,湖北 武汉 430074
Physics Teaching Experimentfor Small Differential Capacitance Detection
CHEN Bingxue&,OUYANG Chaoli&,ZHAO Menghao ,LI Honggang,YANG Yawei.HONG Wei*,HU Ming,QU Shaobo,BAI Yanzheng*
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微小差分电容检测电路将电容差转换为电压或电流等电信号,其在微位移检测、电容式惯性传感器等高精度测量仪器中有着广泛的应用。 基于桥式检测电路的相关原理,设计了一套电桥式差分电容检测电路。 首先对其交流放大电路和两级低通滤波进行了传递函数的测量,然后对系统的灵敏度系数进行了标定实验,最后基于所设计的检测电路,以差分电容单摆作为输入差分电容,研究了差分电容单摆无小球、有小球无激励、有小球有激励三种情况下的电压输出,并通过频域分析证实了小球的运动周期。 作为本科生创新性物理实验教学内容,本实验有助于培养学生实践动手能力,同时加深对实验中涉及的如力学、运动学、振动与波动、电磁学、数字电路和模拟电路、信号处理分析等相关大学物理课程知识点的理解

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关键词:  微小差分电容检测电路  传递函数  标定  单摆  本底噪声  周期     

The detection circuit for small differential capacitances can converts the differential capacitivevalues into electrical signals such as voltage or current, which is widely used in high-precision measuringinstruments such as micro-displacement detection and inertial sensors. Based on the principle of bridgedetection ,it designs a bridge detection circuit for small differential capacitances.First, the transfer function ofits AC amplifier circuit and wo-stage low-pass filter are measured ,and then conducts a calibration experimenton the sensitivity coeffcient of the circuit ,and finally based on the designed detection circuit, the differentialcapacitances single pendulum is made up as a pair of differential capacitances to study the voltage output of thedifferential capacitances single pendulum without the ball, with the ball but without excitation ,and with the balland excitation ,and then confirms the movement period of the pendulum through the frequency domain analysisAs an innovative physics experiment for undergraduates, this experiment could cultivate students’ practicalability ,and deepens the understanding of the related knowledge involved in the experiment such as mechanics.kinematics ,vibration and wave ,electromagnetism ,digital circuits and analog circuits.

Key words:  small differential capacitances detection circuit    transfer function    calibration    single pendulum    ground noise    period
               出版日期:  2023-06-25      发布日期:  2023-06-25      整期出版日期:  2023-06-25
ZTFLH:  04-34  
陈冰雪 , 欧阳超丽 , 赵梦浩, 李泓钢, 杨亚威, 洪 葳 , 胡 明, 屈少波, 白彦峥 . 微小差分电容检测物理教学实验研究 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2023, 36(3): 7-14.
CHEN Bingxue, OUYANG Chaoli, ZHAO Menghao , LI Honggang, YANG Yawei.HONG Wei, HU Ming, QU Shaobo, BAI Yanzheng. Physics Teaching Experimentfor Small Differential Capacitance Detection . Physical Experiment of College, 2023, 36(3): 7-14.
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