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大学物理实验, 2022, 35(6): 117-121
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张奕楠 * ,曲延吉,韩 力
吉林大学 物理学院,吉林 长春 130012
A Study on Applying Optical Simulation Software in Primary Physics Experiment“Measuring the Magnification Factor of a Telescope”
ZHANG Yinan * ,QU Yanji,HAN Li
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普通物理实验是一门重要的基础实验课程,针对其中光学实验的特性,引入模拟仿真软件可有效提升教学效果。本文以望远镜放大倍数测量实验为例,使用 Seelight 软件模拟了实验光路。并观察在改变目镜与物镜间距、系统物距等重要参数下,最终成像的变化趋势;通过观察实时更新的仿真结果,结合实际操作,学生更容易获得实验过程及理论知识的直观印象,补充传统教学手段的不足。而且,使用仿真软件还可以拓展现有硬件限制,为学生展示与本体实验相关的更多学习内容。

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韩 力
关键词:  普通物理实验  仿真软件  Seelight     

The study experience of the optical parts of“Primary Physics Experiments”,an important course for college students,could be decently improved when optical simulation software can be introduced in the teaching process.Seelight software is applied in the experiment topic“measuring the magnification factor of a telescope”,by simulating the beam passways and adjusting the systematic parameters such as the lens separation and object distance,one can simultaneously observe the imaging results.Combined with on-hand operation,simulation software will provide the students with clearer apprehension of the experiment architecture and theory,which might be hardly achieved by traditional teaching techniques.Furthermore,by utilizing simulation software,students can break the limit of existing hardware and have a chance to study related topics.

Key words:  primary physics experiments    simulation software    Seelight
               出版日期:  2022-12-25      发布日期:  2022-12-25      整期出版日期:  2022-12-25
ZTFLH:  O 4-39  
张奕楠 , 曲延吉, 韩 力. 望远镜放大倍数测量实验引入光学仿真软件的探讨 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2022, 35(6): 117-121.
ZHANG Yinan , QU Yanji, HAN Li. A Study on Applying Optical Simulation Software in Primary Physics Experiment“Measuring the Magnification Factor of a Telescope” . Physical Experiment of College, 2022, 35(6): 117-121.
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