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大学物理实验, 2022, 35(3): 68-70
  本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
张 宇2,陆欣雨 2 ,王凯杰2,李 硕 1 ,王俊星1 *
1.吉林大学 物理学院,吉林 长春 130061; 2.吉林大学 仪器与电气工程学院,吉林 长春 130061
Measurement of Visible Wavelengths
#br# ZHANG Yu2,LU Xingyu 2 ,WANG Kaijie2,LI Shuo 1 ,WANG Junxing1 * #br#
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张 宇
李 硕
关键词:  可见光  波长测量  相似三角形  数值模拟     

After learning of the university physics experiment,we based on the volatility of light,we combined the traditional diffraction grating,Michelson interference,double prism interference experiment,carried out innovative experiments,using visible light diffraction grating and the grating equation of measuring wavelength precision value,and designs a simple structure,convenient operation of the instruments that measure the wavelength,carry on the numerical simulation.

Key words:  visible light    wavelength measurement    similar triangles    numerical modelling
               出版日期:  2022-06-25      发布日期:  2022-06-25      整期出版日期:  2022-06-25
ZTFLH:  V 556.5  
张 宇, 陆欣雨 , 王凯杰, 李 硕 , 王俊星 . 可见光波长的测量 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2022, 35(3): 68-70.
ZHANG Yu, LU Xingyu , WANG Kaijie, LI Shuo , WANG Junxing . Measurement of Visible Wavelengths . Physical Experiment of College, 2022, 35(3): 68-70.
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