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大学物理实验, 2024, 37(4): 63-68
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基于线阵 CCD 的折射率和浓度测量装置
廉惠遥,龙 璇,黄继庆,李 海*
华南农业大学 电子工程学院(人工智能学院),广东 广州 510640
Device for Refractive Index and ConcentrationMeasurement Based on Linear Array CCD
LAN Huiyao ,LONG Xuan ,HUANG Jiqing,Ll Hai*
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本文提出了一种结合激光器和线阵 CCD 的折射率测量方法,利用光线穿过平行板介质时产生横向位移的特性,实现对透明介质折射率和浓度的高效、准确测量。 装置采用红色点状激光器作为稳定光源,并通过衰减片削弱光强,利用旋转平台精确调整入射角,最后用线阵CCD 传感器捕捉光斑位置变化,再录入 Matlab 程序中,实现对介质折射率以及透明液体浓度的实时测量。

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龙 璇
李 海
关键词:  折射率测量  线阵 CCD  透明液体浓度测量  激光技术     

This study proposes a method for measuring refractive index by combining a laser and a linear arrayCCD. It takes advantage of the lateral displacement produced when light passes through parallel plate media toachieve eficient and accurate measurement of refractive index and concentration of transparent media. The device employs a red point laser as a stable light source , attenuating the light intensity through a neutral densityfilter,and precisely adjusting the ineident angle using a rotating platform. Subsequently, the linear array CCDsensor captures changes in the position of the light spot , and the data is processed in Matlab to realize real-timemeasurement of the relractive index and concentration of transparent liquids, Experimental results demonstrateminimal errors and high stability when measuring, PMMA, glass , and solutions of various coneentrations. Thisdesign is also suitable for educational purposes , aiding in the understanding of the coneept of refractive index.The research provides an innovative perspective for relractive index measurement, laying the technical foundation for future studies.

Key words:  relractive index measurement    linear array CC    transparent liquid concentration measurement    laser technology
               出版日期:  2024-08-25      发布日期:  2024-08-25      整期出版日期:  2024-08-25
ZTFLH:  O 4-33  
廉惠遥, 龙 璇, 黄继庆, 李 海. 基于线阵 CCD 的折射率和浓度测量装置 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2024, 37(4): 63-68.
LAN Huiyao , LONG Xuan , HUANG Jiqing, Ll Hai. Device for Refractive Index and ConcentrationMeasurement Based on Linear Array CCD . Physical Experiment of College, 2024, 37(4): 63-68.
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