We have designed an experimental method for three-dimensional sound souree localization using theattenuation law of sound intensity. Sound localization is mainly achieved by measuring the distance , directionand height of the sound source relative to the exploration center. Using the principle of logarithmic attenuationof sound intensity ratio , the relationship between the attenuation law of sound intensity in air and the distancefrom the sound source was derived ; A angular displacement method was designed to measure the direction olsound sources , and the relationship between the magnitude of angular displacement and the time when thesound intensity ratio reaches its peak was given ; The height of the sound source to the horizontal plane of thereference platform was measured using an electronie control lifting platform. And a three-dimensional soundsource positioning experimental device was made within a range of 1 cubic meter,The experimental resultsshowed that the maximum relative error of the sound source distanee measurement in the two-dimensional planewas 2.3% , and the maximum error of the azimuth measurement was l.6°; In three-dimensional space , themaximum relative error of sound source distance measurement is 2.9%, the maximum relative error of height measurement is 4.9%, and the maximum error of azimuth measurement is 0.8°.lt has been proven througlexperiments that the positioning effect of this experimental system is good.