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大学物理实验, 2020, 33(1): 96-99
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上海电力大学,数理系,上海  201300
Verification of Conservation Law of Momentum by Using Tracker Software
FAN Yingxi,CHEN Dongsheng,WANG Ying*
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利用 Tracker软件具有的自动追踪功能,有效地跟踪气垫导轨上物体的运动,实时描绘出物体运动位移-时间曲线,利拟合出物体运动过程的动量-时间曲线,很好的验证了动量守恒定律。与传统的实验相比,数据处理过程简单,结果精确度也更高。

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关键词:  Tracker 软件  视频分析  动量守恒     

With the automatic tracking function of tracker software, we can effectively track the movement of the object. In addition, we can draw the displacement time curve of the object movement in real time, fitting the momentum time curve of the object movement process, and then the law of conservation of momentum can be verified. Compared with the traditional experiment, the process of data processing is simple and the accuracy of the result is higher.

Key words:  tracker software    video analysis    momentum conservation
               出版日期:  2020-02-25      发布日期:  2020-02-25      整期出版日期:  2020-02-25
ZTFLH:  O433.1  
范颖玺, 陈东生, 王莹. 利用Tracker软件实现动量守恒定律的验证 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2020, 33(1): 96-99.
FAN Yingxi, CHEN Dongsheng, WANG Ying. Verification of Conservation Law of Momentum by Using Tracker Software . Physical Experiment of College, 2020, 33(1): 96-99.
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