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大学物理实验, 2020, 33(1): 7-9
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刘卫卫,孙青, 刘成林
盐城师范学院 物理与电子工程学院, 江苏 盐城 224002
Research on Selection of Critical Magnetization Current for Measuring Charge-Mass Ratio of Electron by Magnetron Controlling
LIU Weiwei,SUN Qing,LIU Chenglin
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本文利用磁控管法测量电子荷质比,重点对实验数据处理方法进行了研究,并利用半饱和电流法和交点法相结合的方法——“中点法”对实验数据进行了系统的分析。利用半饱和电流法和交点法得到的电子荷质比分别为1.65×1011C/kg和1.81×1011C/kg ,相对误差分别为6.25%和2.84%,而利用“中点法”得到的电子荷质比为1.74×1011C/kg,相对误差为1.14%。利用“中点法”得到的电子荷质比的相对误差最小,说明利用“中点法”对数据进行分析处理可以大大提高实验的精度。

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关键词:  磁控法  电子荷质比  数据处理方法     

It introduces an experiment of measuring charge-mass ratio of electron by the method of magnetron controlling. It was focus on analyzing the way of processing the experimental data. In addition, it presents the “Midpoint” method of dealing with experiment data systematically, combining the way of the “Half Saturation Current” and the “Intersection”. The charge-mass ratio of electron was about 1.65×1011 C/kg and 1.81×1011 C/kg with relative errors of 6.25% and 2.84% by using the method of half saturation current and intersection method, respectively. However, the charge-mass ratio of electron was about 1.74×1011 C/kg with relative errors of 1.14% by using the method of “midpoint”. It can be found that the method of “midpoint” can obtain charge-mass ratio of electron with higher precision compared with the method of “Half Saturation Current” and “Intersection”.

Key words:  magnetron controlling    charge-mass ratio of electron    data processing methods
               出版日期:  2020-02-25      发布日期:  2020-02-25      整期出版日期:  2020-02-25
ZTFLH:  O4-33  
刘卫卫, 孙青, 刘成林. 磁控法测量电子荷质比的临界磁化电流选取方式研究 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2020, 33(1): 7-9.
LIU Weiwei, SUN Qing, LIU Chenglin. Research on Selection of Critical Magnetization Current for Measuring Charge-Mass Ratio of Electron by Magnetron Controlling . Physical Experiment of College, 2020, 33(1): 7-9.
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