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大学物理实验, 2024, 37(3): 90-93
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姜禹豪 ∗∗ ,杨亮亮 ,陈慧妍 ∗∗ ,叶雨荫 ∗∗
盐城师范学院 物理与电子工程学院,江苏 盐城 224007
Simulation Design of Low Distortion Machine Vision Lens
JIANG Yuhao**,YANG Liangliang**,CHEN Huiyan**,YE Yuyin**
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为了实现电子芯片等小尺寸零部件的定位识别和精密检测,利用 Zemax 软件设计了两种可以用于机器视觉的低畸变光学镜头。 系统焦距为 28.5 mm,物方视场为 10 mm。 通过仿真优化设计得到由六片透镜组成的全球面折射式镜头,总长为 90 mm,在空间频率100 1ps/ mm 处,所有视场的 MTF 都高于 0.5,最大畸变为-0.078%。 在此基础上,进一步优化设计得到折衍射混合镜头,共有四片透镜,总长为 75mm,相同空间频率处 MTF 高于 0.55,最大畸变为 0.071%。 考虑衍射面的衍射效率对系统 MTF的影响,混合系统的MTF 仍然高于 0.52。 通过仿真设计,既可以让学生了解机器视觉镜头的设计特点,还可以锻炼学生的创新能力。

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关键词:  仿真实验  机器视觉  畸变  Zemax 软件     

In order to realize the positioning and precise detection of small objects such as electronic chips , twokinds of low distortion optical lens which can be used in machine vision are designed with Zemax software.Thefocal length is 28.5 mm,and the objeet field of view is 10 mm. A traditional refractive lens, with all sphericalsurfaces , consisting of six lenses with a total length of 90 mm is obtained through optimization design. At thespatial frequeney of 100lps/mm, the MTF of all fields of view is higher than 0.5 ,and the maximum distortion is -0.078%. 0n the basis , a refractive diffractive hybrid lens , consisting of four lenses, is further optimized.The total length is 75 mm, MTF is above 0.55 at the same spatial frequency ,and the maximum distortion of 0.071%Considering the influence of diflraetion efficiency of the diffraetive surface on MTF , the aetual MTF of themixed system is still higher than 0.52. Through simulation design, students can not only understand the designcharacteristics of machine vision lens .but also exercise their innovative ability.

Key words:  simulation experiment    machine vision    distortion    Zemax software
               出版日期:  2024-06-25      发布日期:  2024-06-25      整期出版日期:  2024-06-25
ZTFLH:  O 439  
姜禹豪 , 杨亮亮 , 陈慧妍 , 叶雨荫. 低畸变机器视觉镜头的仿真设计 [J]. 大学物理实验, 2024, 37(3): 90-93.
JIANG Yuhao, YANG Liangliang, CHEN Huiyan, YE Yuyin. Simulation Design of Low Distortion Machine Vision Lens . Physical Experiment of College, 2024, 37(3): 90-93.
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